Wednesday, November 14, 2007

my mother, the woman who once got a restraining order placed upon her, banning her from my brother's primary school indefinitely as a result of 'causing too much stress to a teacher' - she was questioning why my brother, despite not knowing the alphabet in grade two, had been withdrawn from the assisted reading program; the teacher had to take an entire day worth of stress leave - has now turned her attention to the rude and inappropriate behaviour of certain members of the FCHC staff towards members of the public on public property.


N K said...

thug, want to come to dumpling house after englang orientation with me jane and han on monday? we have our exams at 3, so the only condition is that you don't talk about exams. let me know. peace out k-nizzle. xo

p.s. internet explorer is falling apart on me, i may be forced to turn to that scum of the earth, firefox.

kham_ing said...

spore, sif yo don wanna talk bout xams. but sure, dumplings represent.