Friday, November 30, 2007

as many of you (samuel and noor) will presumably know, i hate high-waisted jean.

high-waisted pants make you look slimmer and taller: false.
its all fucking lie, they use really tall really thin models (who obviously look slim and tall in high-waisted pants) and some 'camp queer' with spikey peroxide hair to convince many that clothing which is attrocious on the majority of the population (bar a few hundred women), actually makes you look better than you otherwise would. just like when they lied and somehow managed to convince forty-five-year old mothers that g-strings and jeans make you look younger and hipper (sure the leave no panty-line, which is good right? but they also leave these huge arse toothfloss-like elastic gross things; that and its a piece of string rubbing against ones arse-crack) - or a 'yummy mummy'. frankly, i blame society, everyone should just wear all the black all the time, unless given a permit otherwise.

which is why it may surprise some of you to learn, that i own high-waisted jeans. two pairs actually. one in a black tight straight-leg, the other a blue loose slouch fit. the black ones are actually the james pants some of you may remember. i wore them twice, once because i had to bend over on stage, and once for kicks, in public, and after that, never again. i've been two and a half years clean. the other, bluer pair, are my round the house, harry-high pants, pants. i didn't pay for either pair.

which is why, i give to you, the pictures of me in high-waisted pants i showed noor. while they add junk to my trunk, they don't really do it in a good way. the pants in general are just not flattering (they make me look a bit fat) and not comfortable (pants should breath damn it).

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