Wednesday, November 21, 2007

i'm sitting here typing this little blog entry on my brand spanking new laptop... from aldi. frankly, i didn't see it coming, we had to buy fatty a new laptop cos he absolutely essentially 'needed' one for school, and ye olde toshiba with a fride-like finish (ie. a white piano-finish) was far too ancient to possibly usable in the high-tech myopia that is westbourne (the thing has 512 ram, the only reason it lags is cos dumb-shit put vista and all this other crap on it and plays far too much CS in the classroom - possibly why he failed science). and the deal with aldi tecnology is, its soo freaking cheap, and it sells out soo freaking quickly. and the deal with westbourne technology is you pay thrice the market value for a piece of shit you can't even run basic programs on. example, westbourne was trying to flog a tablet pc with 120gb hard drive, 1gb ram, shared graphics memory for over three thousand. the aldi laptop (made by medion, its not actually aldi brand) is a widescreen laptop with 160gb hard drive, 2gb ram and cost literally a third of that (it also has all these whizz-bang crazy doo-dads built into it, such as webcam, tv-input/output, and a fingerprint scaning device, in case anybody tries to steal my physixs notes).

so there we were, 8:30 in the morning, queing out the front of aldi, there were about thirty people joining us, all pressede up against the door, like narky sardines, one man looked like the gooch. it was pretty hilarious, watching everybody attempt to subtily and politely push in front of somebody else. the doors opened at 9, again everyone attempted to walk briskly olypics-walking-style without letting anyone overtake them. apparently most people wre queing to buy up big on bicycles and razor scooters nearly ran each other over, trying to carry three large bicyles on there small bodies. only ten laptops sold in the the five or ten minutes we were in the store. william also wanted a tablet notepad so we had to buy that also. and i wanted earl-grey tea, needles to say, i got my tea. i wasn't expecting it, i asked the lady behind (aldi does not ever hire teenagers) the counter for a laptop (they lock them up), it was at that point mu father said to the woman, 'make it two'. apparently he felt the need to reaffirm his manhood, he was not buying a laptop which fatty doesn't need because he's completely whipped, no, that's why he'll buy kham a laptop, it'll make her be nice to him, and stop constantly telling him he's whipped, to get on his hands and knees and begs williams forgiveness for not driving over to me mums to pick him up from the private westbourne bus stop and drive him two blocks to me mums house.

it's a decent laptop, but man is vista shitty, with shitty crap that chews through ram for no real reason at all; google gadgets can suck my penis frankly - why the fuck do i want this piece of shit on my desktop slideshowing scenic pictures of landscapes and wildlife, why the duck do i need two clocks on my desktop, it's really not going to strain my eyes to look an extra two inches down everytime i want to check the time. the media programs and office are alright i guess, but still, open office works just as well and won't cost you hundreds of dollars.

ps. linux 4 lyfe

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