Friday, November 30, 2007

whoops, almost sent a letter to the editor with samuels mobile number instead of my own, it was rathar awkwards the last time she called samuel presuming she would be getting one katherinetan.

as many of you (samuel and noor) will presumably know, i hate high-waisted jean.

high-waisted pants make you look slimmer and taller: false.
its all fucking lie, they use really tall really thin models (who obviously look slim and tall in high-waisted pants) and some 'camp queer' with spikey peroxide hair to convince many that clothing which is attrocious on the majority of the population (bar a few hundred women), actually makes you look better than you otherwise would. just like when they lied and somehow managed to convince forty-five-year old mothers that g-strings and jeans make you look younger and hipper (sure the leave no panty-line, which is good right? but they also leave these huge arse toothfloss-like elastic gross things; that and its a piece of string rubbing against ones arse-crack) - or a 'yummy mummy'. frankly, i blame society, everyone should just wear all the black all the time, unless given a permit otherwise.

which is why it may surprise some of you to learn, that i own high-waisted jeans. two pairs actually. one in a black tight straight-leg, the other a blue loose slouch fit. the black ones are actually the james pants some of you may remember. i wore them twice, once because i had to bend over on stage, and once for kicks, in public, and after that, never again. i've been two and a half years clean. the other, bluer pair, are my round the house, harry-high pants, pants. i didn't pay for either pair.

which is why, i give to you, the pictures of me in high-waisted pants i showed noor. while they add junk to my trunk, they don't really do it in a good way. the pants in general are just not flattering (they make me look a bit fat) and not comfortable (pants should breath damn it).

from the american apparel website - reviews section:

ok, i got these like a while ago with my friend. and i LOVE THEM. they are so origional and not a lot of other people have them. and everybody loves them. and if you dont like them. stop shopping at abercrombie and holister and be origional and not one of those other idiots. well anywaze. these are the best and i am SO glad i baught these. i just wish they had them is aqua.

I bought these shorts for my job as a stripper at a night club and I am very pleased. The guys really love slipping the dollar-bills into my high-waistband.

Gertrude June 1, 2007 I think this is amazing! I love the way it barely covers my oversized nips...this way all people can enjoy the view. It also reminds me of the good ol' days back at studio 56 when I shook my money maker in trade for blow. This outfit screams "come and get me".


If you want hot sex, buy this dress! I was feeling a bit naughty so I wore it out w/my bf with nothing underneath and it didn't take him long to notice. When we got home he didn't rip it off me like I expected, just pushed me over the side of the sofa and pulled it up. The hardest f*ck I've ever had and I owe it to this dress (in light pink:))!

I think this is amazing! I love the way it barely covers my oversized nips...this way all people can enjoy the view. It also reminds me of the good ol' days back at studio 56 when I shook my money maker in trade for blow. This outfit screams "come and get me".

the gangster across the courtyard are playing shitty hiphop far to loudly, i was practially force into putting on something else to drown out their bad aural vibes.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

noor, if you could, my student number?
also, whats this shindig i hear word of via text message?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

according to the ABC shop: "They're everybody's favourite anarchists, the chasers was on DVD!"

i got me myself some church marmelade. syrupy, gooey, gold like this is pretty much illegal thanks to food handling health and safety. its only through my underground sources am i able to even attain a single jar.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

the thing with my flat is there are only four assorted bowls, four assorted plates, and four assorted mugs with witty catch-phrases such as "GE finance: fundaraiser for heart disease" and "stonnington city coucil accountants: continueing to evaluate and improve". point is somebody stole, perhaps broke when shit-faced, my soup bowl, and now i am left with no soup bowls, left to eat soup out of bowls awkwardly shaped for eating soup.

for all the people asking about my father growing his finger nails, and for noor whom has never seen him, but will now be able to envision the man from the half of his head shown in this picture.

note: if you press your face up against your monitor screen and peer closely, you can see the clear nail varnish.

all is well, i got a lift with emma, which was much appreciated considering she lives some place out north-east, her dad and grandfather even knew where my quaint little ghetto-flat is located.

my suspicions have been confirmed: only one of the several people to get colours for s.cru was doing speech night - which was full of all other kinds of bullshit awards, such as house awards and academic awards and just the majority of the awards in general.

now i'm tired, but in need of a haircut which i keep putting off and i feel icky from eating too many vegan chocolate-coconut cupcakes (thanks to ruth).

ps. why i'm against cadets in schools, noor, and i guess samuel:
1. as much as you may deny it, its a blatent and admitted recruiting ground for the army, and as such has no place in the education system (but, i guess that belief makes me a commie-leftist)
2. cadets, particularly is our school (perhaps, even more so in MHS) are given special priveledges not granted to other groups and clubs (such as the regulation prohibiting clubs influenced by outside organisation)

all that being said, i would have no problem with cadets in schools if we could also have a WPWW club, or a communism/socialism club, or even one of them infamous anti-women clubs.
my last shit hole of a school had no cadets, and to suddenly be thrown into a school environment where it is perfectly acceptable to march around in army uniforms with objects designed to replicate and simulate weapons is just fucking weird to say the least.

pps. greatest quote ever: "your old blog was just about you insecurities in the bedroom, now your blog is just about food" - is not, its a scathing critique of modern society throught the medium of metaphor.

Monday, November 26, 2007

what the fuck am i doing? why the fuck am i getting up a six tomorrow and getting home at 12:30 tomorrow when i coud have just, and gotten more aknowledgement and school colours? why the fuck am i still in s.cru, when its evident that i'm not actually needed, that i don't actually do any real work, and that i hate it soo fucking much? - unlike props, or say, table carriers.

nothing against the people that got colours or the sm, but serious, what the fuck, i applied for sm with twice the experience, plus lighting and sound skills and a heck of a lot less on my plate, but didn't get sm because a certain teacher who play favorites dislikes me. same reason for not getting colours. i've been in s.cru longer. i do more stuff (high and low profile). it pisses me off soo much, that i can't sleep, its 2am, i need to be at the town hall in approximately five hours, pretty sure nobody who got colours will bother to show up for such a low profile gig.

and then, my best option for getting home, is catching the train to seddon station and then getting a taxi to me flat. - no fucking way am i going through footsccray station and central footscray, cos straight up, its not safe: period. this bullshit is actually going to end up costing me money in the way of a taxi fare.

considering not going, but then i said i would, and if i don't it'll just seem petty, and i'll appear the imature one, and in their little minds the school community and a certain teacher will be able to furthur convince themselves that refusing kham colours (considering involvement in a single production was criterion enough for recieving colours) was completly just and dignified.

just had a thought: how the hell am i getting home after speech night, no fucking way am i going through footscray and 12, 12:30.

say, spore, if you happen to read this before tomorrow, you should totally bring photos in a digital format (may i suggest the compact disk fromat)

'anarcho-communist' need to stumble upon the revelation that referring to each other as 'comrade' does not aid their case by any means.

note: they also need to learn to focus on their own grassroots movements, and not soley just upon the movement in Chiapas mexico.

"epipens save lives" - the words of a man allergic to cats, dogs, horses, grasses and the sun.

the downside: my flat smells life something died in a pan on the stove and then some idiot turned the stove on.
the upside: i can pretend like i'm a cultured yuppie living in some cultured area (lie yarraville or seddon) cos some crazy ethnic is playing crazy ethnic music.

ps. spore, nobody noticed you crafy escape from the school and s.cru, sam did all the heavy rostrum and piano ends lifting, soo your mad skillz were not needed and all is sweet. sm wan't there either.

pps. samuel, nobody cares that you can left heavy things because of you testicles and their testosterone

ppps. one of the yr9s is a vegan (i believe) and thinks skittles are vegan - silly!
which raises a giganormous moral dilema, do i tell her they are not and appear patronising, or did do i not tell her and she feels bad when she finds out she's been eating non-vegan things and telling everybody that such things are vegan. oh, the dilema, if only Gary Francione had written something on the subject.

pppps. apparently over at MHS, sarah is considered the 'hot macrob teacher'

Sunday, November 25, 2007

in true math department style, orietation consisted of going over questions from this years 3/4 exam. to get a hed start and all. and to subconciously instill the message that 'indeed, math is hard, but archeivable'.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

i have to say, what i always wanted, was a hooters cookbook.

almost a much as, i'm sure the women of the american armed forces want a hooters calendar.

i can't even make a snappy, whitty remark about this one:

election on tv update: can hear at least five people watching star wars across the courtyard, one flat keeps cheering, can't figure out who for yet, presuming labour.

Friday, November 23, 2007

watching the election on a tv with shitty reception in my shitty flat.
the rents vote everso eclectically:
maureen: labour (unquestionably as her mother did)
margaret: labour (unquestionably as her mother did)
kiong: liberal in a safe labour seat, and greens in a liberal or marginal seat (wtf?, liberal and the greens? though he can't actually vote cos he's a fob)

the question on everybodies lips: is it noors turn to vote this year, and if so who did she vote for byproxy, and if not, who did her brother vote for?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

the local socialist alliance candidate for wills, Zane, aka Emcee Doc Fruit, is also an experience hip-hop artist, working with others to build the progressive element in the Oz hip=hop scene.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

i'm sitting here typing this little blog entry on my brand spanking new laptop... from aldi. frankly, i didn't see it coming, we had to buy fatty a new laptop cos he absolutely essentially 'needed' one for school, and ye olde toshiba with a fride-like finish (ie. a white piano-finish) was far too ancient to possibly usable in the high-tech myopia that is westbourne (the thing has 512 ram, the only reason it lags is cos dumb-shit put vista and all this other crap on it and plays far too much CS in the classroom - possibly why he failed science). and the deal with aldi tecnology is, its soo freaking cheap, and it sells out soo freaking quickly. and the deal with westbourne technology is you pay thrice the market value for a piece of shit you can't even run basic programs on. example, westbourne was trying to flog a tablet pc with 120gb hard drive, 1gb ram, shared graphics memory for over three thousand. the aldi laptop (made by medion, its not actually aldi brand) is a widescreen laptop with 160gb hard drive, 2gb ram and cost literally a third of that (it also has all these whizz-bang crazy doo-dads built into it, such as webcam, tv-input/output, and a fingerprint scaning device, in case anybody tries to steal my physixs notes).

so there we were, 8:30 in the morning, queing out the front of aldi, there were about thirty people joining us, all pressede up against the door, like narky sardines, one man looked like the gooch. it was pretty hilarious, watching everybody attempt to subtily and politely push in front of somebody else. the doors opened at 9, again everyone attempted to walk briskly olypics-walking-style without letting anyone overtake them. apparently most people wre queing to buy up big on bicycles and razor scooters nearly ran each other over, trying to carry three large bicyles on there small bodies. only ten laptops sold in the the five or ten minutes we were in the store. william also wanted a tablet notepad so we had to buy that also. and i wanted earl-grey tea, needles to say, i got my tea. i wasn't expecting it, i asked the lady behind (aldi does not ever hire teenagers) the counter for a laptop (they lock them up), it was at that point mu father said to the woman, 'make it two'. apparently he felt the need to reaffirm his manhood, he was not buying a laptop which fatty doesn't need because he's completely whipped, no, that's why he'll buy kham a laptop, it'll make her be nice to him, and stop constantly telling him he's whipped, to get on his hands and knees and begs williams forgiveness for not driving over to me mums to pick him up from the private westbourne bus stop and drive him two blocks to me mums house.

it's a decent laptop, but man is vista shitty, with shitty crap that chews through ram for no real reason at all; google gadgets can suck my penis frankly - why the fuck do i want this piece of shit on my desktop slideshowing scenic pictures of landscapes and wildlife, why the duck do i need two clocks on my desktop, it's really not going to strain my eyes to look an extra two inches down everytime i want to check the time. the media programs and office are alright i guess, but still, open office works just as well and won't cost you hundreds of dollars.

ps. linux 4 lyfe

Monday, November 19, 2007

lolercoaster: veganporn (not vegporn), changed their title to tastebetter, apparently too many people clicked on the link actually expecting vegan porn, despite, it say this is not actual porn underneath the link.

its such bad, cheap, american tv, completely lacking the brilliance of other british reality television such as, wife-swap, masters & servants, how clean is your house etc. but hell, its the holidays, i won't speak about it other than on the internets, and i keep it too my closet if i had a laptop computer.

but anyway, i felt really bad for this guy:

Thoth @ America's Got Talent

samuel, you owe the city library $5 in fines on my card. please return the archery books.

*yes, indeed, i have resorted to publicly shaming you on the internets

Sunday, November 18, 2007

rob, your wife, you mother and all your daughters are mole-dog hoe-bags.
and frankly, i don't have time to deal with you defending them.

this is how lunch with kiong and mumsy compare:

kiong: went to dong ba - take my advice and never go there. he decided he wanted to got there cos they have three bags of bean shoots delivered every morning (in comparison to the usual two for a popular restaurant, one for an average restaurant). no vegetarian, let alone vegan (pretty much the same thing is asian food with the exception of egg and fish sauce). he got some duck pho thing which had a funky taste and as a result he left most of it. i slurped on four colours (grass jelly, mung bean, red bean, coconut milk, gula and shaved ice - otherwise known as che ba mau i believe) for half and hour. didn't end up eating anything and the four colour was nothing special.

maureen: went to thien an, the most westernised joint (and coincidently constantly toted as genuine asian footscray food by the age) in all of footscray - took mum there cos, well, she's pretty darn westernised (i-atai food was banned from her house as a child cos it stunk up the fridge, she also grew up with 'don't pick things up from the side of the road, a filthy chinaman might have touched them' and 'touch a chinaman for luck' - they also for a point believe in the existence of the malaya monkey mail service). ate rice paper rolls and lemon grass chilli tofu. it was alright, definitely westernised, had better had worse. point is i ate food which wasn't rank.

for better food (but less vegan options than thien an) and better four colours (thien an is too sweet), i would suggest the place we've been going to for years and since i went vegan the guy asked why he sees me less - can't remember what is called but if you go to the corner with to's bakery and the pharmacy, its the closest place on the side of the pharmacy, on barkly street.

why i wrote that all out i have no ideas, cos who reads khams blogs who would ever eat in footscray, other than samuel who i tells anyway.

ps/ the vegetarian, mock meat place it footscray is bad, they just make bad asian food. its well priced with good service and a nice atmosphere and everything, if only they learned to cook.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

some douchbag has been playing monophonic christmas tunes for the past hour

Soy is making kids 'gay'

"There's a slow poison out there that's severely damaging our children and threatening to tear apart our culture."

"If you're a man, you're suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your "female side," physically and mentally."

"Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products."

"Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because "I can't remember a time when I wasn't homosexual." No, homosexuality is always deviant."

"U.S. girls are now growing breasts or pubic hair before age three"

"Boy babies fed soy formula may go into puberty late — or not at all. Some of these boys are so feminized that their breasts grow but their penises don't. Some mature into adults with penises not much bigger than the ones they were born with! Others might look normal and go through puberty on time, but can't father children because their sperm are too few in number"

"a girl-chasing, football-playing college boy won't go gay even if he becomes a vegetarian or snacks all day on soy energy bars. My larger concern is that the increasing number of less robust 15-year-olds who are already "struggling with their sexual identity" will be shoved over that thin line into homosexuality. No, they won’t wake up some morning with floppy wrists and a nasal lisp, but they may begin to gravitate toward social circles where they feel more comfortable — and less expected to be rowdy or brag about a string of sexual conquests. And once a teen is ensconced in a homosexual milieu, breaking free from it could mean abandoning his best friends."

guess that explains samuels homoerotic tendencies then...
now if only he ate just a bit more tempeh i could get him to stop having sex with busty women

in fact, i'm sure limpwrist were all strait as rulers once, then they all got involved in the hardcore scene, became vegetarians, and well, thats where all the trouble started.

i have herpes.

on my face.

and its gross, and i blame it on stress and i blame it on that elizabeth woman. hope sam doesn't get it, somehow his entire life he's managed to avid getting a cold sore. but i guess his entire life he's also been allergic to practically everything so i guess it all evens out.

the thing with those beads that convert to GHB in the body, is that if you're kid is stupid enough to put shit like that in their mouth, or conversely, if you're too much of a dumbfuck to watch you're kid properly and give them age and maturity appropriate toys, well its only a matter of time till they put something in their mouth of no chemical significance which they just plain boring choke on.

Friday, November 16, 2007

the thing about FC is that its grounds are directly adjacent to public property and there is no barrier or sign to signify where one boundary begins and the other ends.the other thing about FC is one of their entrances is labelled as the entrance to a 'community garden' and enters into ring of portables and an amphitheatre. the other thing about FC is certain select members of their staff are dumbfuck douchbags (this is a serious understatement, a civilised society would have euthanised such individuals at birth).

kham enter though FC through the entrance labelled as 'community garden'.
she walks away from the areas with students towards the only region unoccupied by students.
it is then that she is accosted by woman who resembles a wrinkly jigglypuff. for the sake of this recollection we shall call her Elisabeth, we shall also say, hypothetically that she teaches math and science.
E: "young lady, young lady come here now" - rude, condescending tone
(kham ignored her and continued to move away from the FC students, not frequently spoken to as a member of the public on public property in such patronising fashion, kham presumed the Elisabeth was hailing someone else)
(the rathar large individual trailed kham in hot pursuit)
E: "young lady, i called you several times and you ignored me, now get back on school property" - again said in quite the inappropriate fashion
K: "look, i can show you my student id, i don't go to school here" - slightly flustered at being spoken to in such a manner, yet still polite (hey, i'm reasonable, i can accept that i with my youthful appearance was mistaken for a student)
E: "well then you're trespassing, get off school property now" (wait, a tick, i thought i was meant to get back on school property a minute ago)
K: "this is public property - i have every right to be here"
E: "this is not public property, you knew you were on school property"
K: "this is public property, the sign at the entrance says community garden, there is no sign which says FC and there are no fences"
E: "are you blind or stupid or something, can't you see the building"
K: "regardless, these are grounds not buildings and these are public grounds"
E: "get off the property now"

i was willing to argue further, but samuel dragged me away.

upon contacting the vice principal (the principal was not available) i was told several things:
- i'm a vindictive liar
- Elizabeth is a professional (and hence she would never cover her unprofessional backside)
- the topography of the land made the school/public land boundaries evident yo any idiot
- Elizabeth was trying to protect both myself and samuel from sinister goings on behind the sinister rubble (which was off school property)

if a man hit me like that it would be abuse...
but cos they have a relatively small, relatively bald, penis, its fine, and i'm just a little bit precious.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

my mother, the woman who once got a restraining order placed upon her, banning her from my brother's primary school indefinitely as a result of 'causing too much stress to a teacher' - she was questioning why my brother, despite not knowing the alphabet in grade two, had been withdrawn from the assisted reading program; the teacher had to take an entire day worth of stress leave - has now turned her attention to the rude and inappropriate behaviour of certain members of the FCHC staff towards members of the public on public property.

Monday, November 12, 2007

"The first-of-its-kind performance shoe is built on a new and unique last created to address the specific fit and width requirements for the Native American foot."

"The Considered design ethos also honors the traditional Native American Seventh Generation philosophy, an approach that respects the impact of decisions made today on seven generations. The shoe’s design draws inspiration directly from Native American culture."

- The Nike Air Native N7

whats next, the nike air FOB?

they're oldies but classics:

yes, i've been re-reading my NN2S.

google "peanut allergy in schools-peanut free schools", go to page three of the google search, and you will find one kham-blog - that mean i'm like totally the 30th most popular person when it comes to ""peanut allergy in schools-peanut free schools""

save the microorganisms:
amoeba liberation - human liberation

woo. post 200. its cos i'm soo popular and learned, with mad writing skillz.

yes, it is what i've always needed, a gun that shoots condoms...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

does the concept of a 'commando supernanny' make anyone else giggle and excrete just the tiniest amount of urine in the process?

drinking organic camomile tea: its times like these i wonder if its even worth continuing doomed to this wretched commie existence, next thing i know i'll be raving about bio-regionalism.

apparently crisco is not only ideal for depp frying, but also:

As a sexual lubricant, it is long-lasting, cheap, and does not exude a strong odor.

from wikipedia.

for all the times Samuels said
"please don't, i'm not very photogenic"
"you look fine, get over it"
"yeah, but you're photogenic" (with the implication that kham, male model extraordinair has never had a bad photograph taken of her, and hence would not understand the unphotogenic plight of mere mortals such as one samuel)

my camera is broke.
correct: faulty.
its all cannons fault.

went to a bolch family bash. weird. they're like a family and shit. and i know i'm playing the badass from the hood lines, but i'm not bullshitting when i say none of my extended family get on. its gotten to to point where certain members of the family 'drop in' for a 'catch-up' (read: borrow money) and William frantically scrambles round telling everyone to "turn off the tv and pretend we're not home"...

... shit its going to be an awkward conversation if the family ever tumbles upon this blog. but what can you do, they can't silence me.

Friday, November 9, 2007

none of my other letter have been published: oh they were left alright, but they weren't quite latte enough for the age.

played at a concert at westbourne. they are utter douchbags.

fuckload of wank, arrogance and patronisation from the westbourne students and teachers. but what can you do. its a middle-of-nowhere town with nothing but shopping complexes and backwards attitudes. and i left, and i only went back as a favour to vlad.

while most late night television, soft-porn on your mobile, hawkers asks you to text 'sexy' or ' hawwt' or 'babez' to a 1900number, the paris hilton proliferaters ask you to text 'porridge' to their 1900number. talk about originality. or is it just some hip new slang which i haven't quite gotten the hang of yet. today, samuel, was all like, "'honky' ain't no term for a person from hong kong". apparently i'm just not young enough to get it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

yes its true, my mad english skillz, have led to my letter published in the age, whining about all sorts of important limousine liberal causes.

see, i'm not the only one who eats "weird food combinations": Wafuu Pasuta: Japanese style pasta

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

why we should continue to consume transfats: transfats may only be replace in processed foods by saturated fats, and we all know how bad those are
- The CCF: hilarious

this made me laugh, extreme vegan doctors with political agendas...

Monday, November 5, 2007

new widget, new widget, new widget, new widget, new widget...

and no, by widget i do not mean a tiny purple alien with a mission to save earth from pollution and the catch phrase "purple pulsars"

The show focused on a 4ft tall, purple alien from the Horsehead Nebula named Widget who could shapeshift. He and a group of young, human friends, Brian, Kevin and Kristine, would go through a number of adventures to protect the natural environment. Widget is frequently accompanied by the Megabrain, an extremely intelligent but somewhat clumsy being who appears as a floating head (with a transparent cranium) and floating hands.

The show was produced by Calico Creations to teach children about the dangers of pollution. Each episode would have Widget contending with a villain wishing to exploit Earth's environment or natural resources, like Dr. Dante, Mega Slank, and his evil twin, Ratchet.

This show ran for 65 episodes and spawned a NES game of its own. It was produced by Atlus and debuted in 1992. A SNES game, Super Widgeto Power(30-3-88), also by Atlus was released in 1993.

no, by a widget, in my technological lingo, i'm referring to the little list, right-hand corner somewhere, of books i own and or the idea from bob torres blog, and i think is just swell.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

word bingle, herd for the second time in my life, and the first time in my life outside the letteri family - i was watching today tonight

i truly am living the post-exam, young and carefree, lebobo lifestyle: writing letters to the editor of the age and such.

zomg: carson kresly wearing the famous allan man combination and giving his fashion tips on the channel ten news - he truly did work that green tie, pink shirt combination.

aka. "the watermelon"

a scathing critique of modern society:
today kham targets: peanuts

or more specifically, peanut allergies.or even more specifically, the special rights certain parents of children with peanut allergies think their children have. yes i think people who care for children should be trained in dealing with allergies, heck, i think the population in general should have first aid training which would presumable cover dealing with allergies. but to declare all schools peanut-free zones? preposterous. it puts the rights of certain children with allergies above other. more people are lactose intolerant than allergic to peanuts*, but i ain't seeing any banning of milk in schools movements. point is: the yuppie 'yummy-mummies"** need to settle down just a little, and actually think about what they're advocating.

* lactose tolerance is found primarily in those of European descent.
** this term is just gross, it sound pornographic and weird, but maybe i'm just not fringe enough

Saturday, November 3, 2007

could it be true?
is what they all said would happen finally happening?

will kham bust out in D-cups come speech night?

stay tuned.

Friday, November 2, 2007

went and got a blood test, went something like this:

"i can't believe you're scared of getting a blood test, they don't hurt or anything" - samuel on khamuel putting off getting a bloodtest

"stay with me katherine" - the pathologist on kham nearly falling off the chair and passing out

"i think i need to vomit" - samuel on watching kham receive a blood test

Thursday, November 1, 2007

$1 for a litre of chocolate soymilk,
$1 for five packets of poppadoms

are you pleasing your women?

some of you may have noticed the nifty new addition of the links box in the bottom left-hand corner.
as you (or at least samuel) know, i love reading about food - one of those complete and utter tosser 'foodies'. including non-vegan food. but hell, don't point the finger at me, samuel like deer-shooting arcade games.

so anywho, linked are the food blogs i browse occasionally.

on that note, i always wanted my very own vegan food blog, as you may have infered from the everso witty, yet shockingly bare 'you don't win friends with salad' blog registered under this blogger account. however, my camera is broken and, i don't think the world is ready for the culinary delights of katherinetan, its all just too edgy and fresh for the public to handle at this stage - i truely am ahead of my time

my father on noors lively hood: "its very healthy food, a complete meal: meat, bread, vegetables, its like taking a protein pill"