Friday, March 2, 2007

i can now say my life is complete. i have seen a midget make-out with a transvestite.

oh man, what to say, in a word: jens' party.

it was a generic teenage party involving copious, though not so copious we later discovered, amounts of alcohol. samuel felt the need to by pink mixed drinks. i believe they're called 'flitinis'. and for some reason he required a slab. diabeted by sunday i told him.

i had a pretty good; pretty dignified time. i verbally punched several dickheads in the face. possibly because they were trying to 'crack' onto me. something to the fashion of, "maybe if you said something with content you'd get laid" and "i don't care how drunk you are, the fact is you're a mysogynist loser, get out of my face and grow a personality" and also "when i told you you were a dickhead i meant it, so i'm afraid no we will not be 'getting together', the fact is i find that very notion as appealing as being subjected to an anal fist rape". and that was my little rant about the evening. the drunkard teenage boiz.

i had some pretty decent conversations that night. met people who seemed damn interesting for the course of that damn fleeting night. borgouts (sp?) suprised me, how often do you say to an asian person, "i was once a neo-nazi".

samuel spent a great deal of the night in a moose suit. kham also might have possible felt up/cracked on to the moose suit. kham even spent some time in that very moose suit. greatest thing i've ever seen: a moose drinking a beer while smoking from it's eyes.

i came in the costume of non-recyclable garbage, adam was a viking (with a beard constructed of a 'woggle'). greatest thing ever: seeing a viking just sit there and vomit consecutivly six times.

milan came as a bum. with no shoes. basically his everyday dress minus shoes.
samuel came a generic hardcore kid: hoody, shorts, tattoos etc. basically his everyday dress plus tattoos.

i spent a great deal of time speaking to a toby character, he brews his own beer too and is quite the similiar to the character of bernard black (hip flash and leather tobacco pouch wearing a suit-like thing). he had this great drink: 'random', one of the ingredients is jaeger(there's one photo from teh whole night, i'll put it up when i uploap my camera)miester, the other is whiskey plus two 'do not consume' compounds. fucking brilliant. if i were an art-fag i'd uphold this beverage a symbol of our dark and nihlistic modern youth.

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