Saturday, March 10, 2007

pretty much spent yesterday sitting round cleaning my room and doing work. pretty mcuh planning to do that again today.

watched 'tasty bust'


N K said...

yeah well i missed the chance to work tomorrow (i.e. double pay for a public holiday) because i was with my maths tutor when the manager called.

p.s. hope lies in mel, who could have busty eurasian kids, as she is a busty asian and can surely breed with a 'whyte boi'. think about it.

N K said...

also, i'm pretty sure there's a rule that says that you must update this every day or i beat you up. i've actually started checking it as frequently as i check myspace. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE REDUCED ME TO.

p.s. link me to your flickr again, please? yes? thank you.