Tuesday, March 27, 2007

pie day today. got into so much shit because i got home at 7:30, ie. really dark, ie. the hood was not a very chill place.

got home just intime for insight. teenage sexuality, freaking hilarious. they had the dolly doctor on the show.
"i've found girls are never really fussed about condoms, i know if i were a girl i wouldn't want a piece of latex; i'd probably have thousands of STI because i'm a player" - 'a generic teenager'
"is clamidia like a fungus?" - another 'generic teenager'

there was all the regular oral sex, is it sex and slut vs. fridgid discussion (speaking of which, face). relativly little content. brings me back to the health ed days.

"can girls like get hiv?" - student
"i hear every sperm is the size of a full stop on a page, so they're quite small really" - teacher (yes, seamonkeys are in fact semen)

now i'll be the first to admit i can't put a condom on with great finess and ease, and frankly i blame the schools.

ps/ my brother is watching borat. i hate that man. as much as you can argue that he debases sexism and racism by making it funny, if i'm offended (and i am), i don't really think he has archieved that goal. i believe he has made it socially acceptable, and indeed fashionable to make jokes about gender and race again. and let's not forget that soo many people take it at a low-brow level, and example of which my brother.

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