Saturday, March 3, 2007

this happened a couple of days ago, but i completly forgot till i uploaded the pictures.


N K said...

check it out, now you get a freudian quote. speaking of which, had you done the humanities subject literature, you would have heard my excellent oedipal analysis, as well as hearing the priceless quote from purcell: "what would winton [author of lit text] think of cutting?" note: there is no cutting in our text.

nice artsy adventurus. the real point of this comment is that in between mentally revising my learning of the making of fries and icecreams and drinks from earlier this evening, i remembered this blog, and thought you might need a fan.
except not.

love token hot latino dancer, numero uno azn, numero duo katherine tan's greatest fan.

p.s. hey kham, samuel samuel sex samuel vectors sex samuel.
p.p.s. tomorrow you are PURE.

kham_ing said...

as if i would do lit, or art. what kind of spesh student are you spore, really? not a very good one i think. how can you study spesh while working? not a very effective use of possible studytime. no 99.95 for you. why don't you just go back to art you commie.