Dear Katherine,
We have added the standardised score for your academic results to the standardised score for your UMAT results. The outcome is that in order for you to gain a place in the UNSW Medicine program, you will need to achieve the following:
- be at least in the top >70% of all interviewees to gain an Unbonded place
Yours sincerely,
Gordon Rees
Manager (Undergraduate Program)
Faculty of Medicine, UNSW
what the hell does that even mean? can i talks that good?
note: i just want a place, bonded or not.
ie. not one of those "damn i got bonded med... i guess i'll do dentistry then"
ps. almost the entire westside is an area of workforce shortage - i grew up in one - i'd probably work in the westside anyway (suturing machete wounds and whatnot)
Top 70% sounds damn promising.
wait, actually IN the top 70% or like, 70th percentile (i.e. top 30%)? because if it's actually top 70%, then i would say that you are IN my friend.
plus if that's for unbonded then you're probs in for bonded. WOOOOOOO.
i don't know if its percent or percentile. its confusing. the only way it could be to 70 percent is if they gave me a super ENTER because of special circumstances (ie. westside represent).
"be at least in the top (greater than) 70% of all interviewees to gain an Unbonded place" sounds rather odd
plus your UMAT was really high, not sure about the weightings
ah well we'll see
should as that 'sohpia' she's the master of all things med
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