Sunday, June 15, 2008

finished midyears. went out drinking.
realised i had two days to submit my uni mid-year piece of assesment.

2000 words on natural philosophy = 1800 words of wank.

might take part of the day off school tomorrow. needs to be in some box somewhere by 4 pm. tram from school not fast enough.

eating mapo doufu. is good. wrecks your innards though.

so i was totally at the cit-lib sat-day mourning and guess who i bumped into. in the philosophy section.

it was something of a throw my hands over my face while screeching ''don't look at me".

the infamous hg. looking for nietzhe for writing nietzhe summaries. makes you feel like even more of a lazy mole*
on the upside of perousing the *cough*(wanker) section i stubled upon a copy of sacred cows and golden geese.

*in the literal sense, those animals that look like furry piglets.

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