Monday, December 8, 2008

cooking 'christmas' food for the elderly/disabled.
some people are soo fucking anally retentive about how that shit has to be done.
everything has to have WAY TOO MUCH lard/butter in addition to oil on it because 'its the proper way' (possible explationation for heart attacks)
everything has to have WAY TOO MUCH sugar added to it (custard, fruit salad etc.) (possible explanation for diabetes)

interesting story: we were doing pudding, which as many would know don't contain coins anymore to prevent killing people - described by the elderly as 'jewish' puddings

ps. pavlova = gross, trifle = gross
one woman ate a dinner plate full of sweets: fruit salad, trifle, pavlova, fruit cake, pudding, custard, extra whipped cream, baklava, rum balls, mini headgehogs and mini mint slices (ie. a full portion of everything, in addition to a full roast half-of-noahs-ark lunch)

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