Wednesday, April 4, 2007

(noor, i know you've been sitting there, refreshing, waiting for kham to update, so this one goes out to you)

went camping. kham, camping.

day one. kham and samuel pretty much went through half a case of coopers pale ale.

day two. kham and samuel and occasionally some other people pretty much went through the remaining case of coopers pale and and a case of coopers sparkling ale. samuel was quite drunkard. at one state engaging in quite the homoerotic behaviour

day three. kham inhaled some possibly illegal, possibly green substances. samuel sat and watched and laughed at her.

day four. khams turn to become quite the drunkard, samuel again sat and watched and laughed. ten minutes to fucked-o-clock, asleep by 8:30.

some of the greater samuel quotes:
"rachel is just hotter and better at sex than you"
"we invented a new position: hair pulling"

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