Thursday, April 12, 2007

lentil as anything
freaking business hippies. so we went to lentil it up. seven of us: kham, samuel, elsher, milan, chris, nick and hudson (ie. we looked like a bunch of dero-kids) . we each ordered individually instead of the usual curry platter for (insert number of people). we gave them about fifty dollars, mostly in $2 coins as at the time a handful of as did not have that much disposable income. seven meals, fifty dollars, about seven dollars per meal. five of them would have been tofu burgers (the other two were curries), and TOFU does a tofu burger for about six dollars.

so we left. about ten metres from the store the guy comes after us; yelling something to the nature of,
"you didn't pay us enough, two $10 notes and a couple of coins! you ordered eight or nine meals" (lentil man)
"we can give more money if you want" (a number of us)
"did you count the coins, they were all $2 coins, there was about fifty dollars in there" (milan)
"nine meals, those were organic meals, it's not enough, you haven't all paid" (lentil man)
"we can give more money if you want" (a number of us)
"we come here all the time and usually pay alot more, we just don't have alot of money right now" (elsher)
"one of you hasn't paid; you, how much did you pay [pointing at someone]" (lentil man, then continues to ask everyone what they paid"
"we can give more money if you want" (a number of us)
"i don't want more money" (lentil man, storms off)

1. he was rude as all hell
2. he didn't bother to count the money or the number of meals before yelling at us
3. we offered him more money
4. 'pay what you feel' - enough said, tofu does vegan organic food cheaper and inner-city, don't advertise yourself as pay what you feel if your just going to harass them when they don't 'feel' what you want them to 'feel'

it's such a pity because usually we're really chummy with all the people working there and alot of them consider what we pay them reasonable.

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