Thursday, December 16, 2010

today: went round to the brothel house, borghouts was down, he escorted me to my house to ensure I didn't get rapes - how lovely
yesterday: got a crew together, went to the night markets - ent to equinox first, several jopkes about amy and cherries
tuesday: stayed home (??? - don't actually remember what i did)
monday: stayed home (??? - don't actually remember what i did)
sunday: stayed at sachas - watched "into the void" - worst movie ever
saturday: stayed at lances- watched "daybreakers"
friday: stayed at nicks in torquay
thursday: went round to brothel house; got royally fucked - there are pictures to prove it
wednesday: nick pelly was down, went to marias, then sams then sachas
- maria still makes the most delicious food ever
- ran into nado on the train - too drunk to remmeber what he said
- remember being drunk to the stage where I didn't remeber what tram to get on or where to get off to get to sachas house
- apparently i spent most of the evening persoanlly attacking sacha and pointing out every single one of his character flaws = i have no recolection of this
tuesday: nick pally down, went to sams then sachas

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