Sunday, April 11, 2010

awkward moment with my mother the other night. it started like this, "i keep finding things in the rubbish, and i just thought i should remind you to think about what you put in the bin".

now this may sound perfectly harmless, but if you know my mother (as i do), you would cotton on to the fact that this is her way of telling me i've been sprung doing something i haven't. that she's found some kind of contraband in the bin.

but what could it be, smoking, drinking, sex-having related parephenalia...

it was bugging me, what did i leave in the bin?
"so what what did you actually find" i ended up asking.
she refused to answer. possibly because it would have been awkward.

after a couple of days i finally realised what she was on about. she thought my brothers chewing gum packets were rubber packets.

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