Saturday, February 16, 2008

kham's hot vegan tip: aldi hot cross buns are "suitable for vegans and vegetarians". they're all right. now i know bread with spices and fruit should technically be vegan, but i also know most chain bakeries don't make any vegan breads, most supermarket buns arn't vegan, and you try extracting that kind of information out of a footscray bakery (i reference samuel's pork bun incident).

kham's hot tip for people who don't give a shit about foodz vegan-status: pop into aldi anywho for a shiny new unicyle built for you (well, not actually built for you personally, but it rhymes with two). of all the random crap aldi flogs, next week it's unicycles, i can only anticipate the aldi monkey bike. actually, i was quite impressed that they managed to find somebody to model the unicycle whom could acutally ride sed unicycle.

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