Saturday, January 26, 2008


"Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, and an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food. The body, these waterheads imagine, is a temple that should not be polluted by animal protein. It's healthier, they insist, though every vegetarian waiter I've worked with is brought down by any rumor of a cold. Oh, I'll accommodate them, I'll rummage around for something to feed them, for a 'vegetarian plate', if called on to do so. Fourteen dollars for a few slices of grilled eggplant and zucchini suits my food cost fine."

and then this:
"I don't like to see animals in pain. That was very uncomfortable to me. I don't like factory farming. I'm not an advocate for the meat industry."

and that is why anthony bourdain, like all celebrity chef's, can only be labelled idiot douchbags.

Friday, January 25, 2008

i'm not ashamed to say, i'm not giving money so nuts can give out bibles at the porn shows... cos frankly, if my memory serves me correctly, the bible says nothing against pornography, that was a judgement reserved for the church.

turns out the cop from a few days ago was investigating the near-fatal beating of a man who works at bruno's uni. the guy is currently critical.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

i don't mean to have a go at FC, but this just happens to be a particularly embarassing write-up for the school:

Unique Programs
Three-day orientation camp visiting tourist sites in country Victoria

Academic Results & Pathways
Average study score (Out of 50) 28
Percentage of students with a study score over 40 4%
Percentage of students enrolled in university %

VCE Results
Footscray City College had two international students who completed Year 12 in 2006. They received very good results, with one student moving on in 2007 to study Accountancy, and the other to studying Hospitality, both the students' first choice of further study and career.

i think they just forgot a few numbers...

i mean, i know ALY have always been rude elitist fuckers, i think we can all recall than time i was told there was no way i was a vegan by an individual representing ALY , whose dress-sense can only be described as 'myspace', because i didn't look like a vegan.
but really, this really is peta-esque-bullshit: and

Monday, January 21, 2008

Charles Mingus: Live At Montreux is on ABC2, how the fuck do you get onto ABC2.

two odd things about being a vegan, or at least for me anyway:
1) you get meatmares: nightmares where you watch yourself eating meat (or similiar animal things)only to wake up in a cold sweat, confused for a few moments as to whether it was real before stubling on the realisation that you just had a meatmare
2) weird-ass cravings: i'm not talking about cheese or chocolate cravings here, no, i'm refering to caper, almond, dried cranberry, salad etc. cravings. i got a salad one today and practically ran to the supermarket to buy up some sprouts and leafy greens - made myself a mega-salad, i did.

ps/ you know whats annoying, when people ask who went vegan first, myself or samuel, and i know the inference made from that information will be that one of us made the other go vegan. or, when people make an inference about one making the other go vegan, based on whom is the more verbal vegan.

in case anyone got the wrong idea, i made sam go vegan, it was all me, he can't think for himself and make his own decisions, so i had to do it for him.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

my grandmother has (well, had) black curly hair and blue eyes. she grows her own tomatoes. back when footz-crazy was full of wogs people would attempt to speak to her, say at the busstop, in fob-speak. alas, no, onions and garlic disagree with her too much for her to be a wog.

that and, according to my grandfather, i-tai food stunk up the fridge, and my family would look poor (which was the greatest shame upon the family) if they were to been seen picking grass (basil) to eat (giving the impression that the family could not afford 'real' food - such as chops, steak,or sausages)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

enhancement orientation: waste of my life. something six hours that could have been condensed into one.

the difference between high school and uni: you go to degays (or st.fags if you aspire to one day be like smitch) after school, you go to the pub after uni

spent the day with hunter, he's great. he didn't know anyone else there (hence, i kinda dumped ya noor) - and frankly, he's colder than samuel when approaching and meeting new people.

the Q&A with past enhancement students was amusing: the redhead went to westbourne, the blond was the evil girl from the saddle club (i'm almost certain) and me and sam once shared a table with the guy at the state library, he was talking with some girl about how you may aswell bypass the whole bachelor of arts and just apply for the dole instead of going to uni.

went to the espy afterwards (as if i were an actual uni student). will initially came with us so we would buy him beer, they his frinds cancelled on him cos it was too cold (and they only ever wear running shorts, occasionall with singlets or t-shirts) and so he got pretty nicely toasted before joining us at the espy (drinking pure blonde, on the street = all class).

none of us were id-ed, possibly cos i'm busty and sam and rhys have hairy backs.

went with the intention of seeing defiance, ohio being utter filthy hippies. found out they would play at one; found out they played at one at nine. turns out the LOTF guy was called will wagner (as in vagner with the v-sound cos he's a giga-aryan) and he was opening - i missed him.
and who did i bump into? why finnigan and pete (ah-la ex-mhs or if you will, ah-la hillz formal date). finnigan is apparently doing arts/law at anu. what a nerd.

we only stayed for about an hour: the only vegan beer on tap was stellar artois and it was $21 a jug. i prefer the workshop, they have outdoor chairs and they actually let you have water like a responsible venue should. and they have beer vegan beer on tap that won't cost you your grocery money for a jug.

so we left, and then we had to wait round, because will (who had left earlier) was having irresponsible sex. with a 24-year old. who only happened to have left his school this new year. i was not impressed.

ps. moneybags has a really, really, shit tattoo. its some guy with a watering can, growing an anarchy flower, ah-la 'planting the seeds of revolution' - which he is not might i add.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

i am now liscensed to hoon.
a man gave me a filty look for being a precarious learner drived around his children on bicycles.

apparently edgewater is the place to be for absolutely hopeless learner drivers: most of the houses are still being built and because of its enclave/compound-like status, there arn't really any people driving through on their way to the shops or something (there are no shops).

i ran over a traffic island and all the builders laughed at me cos kiongs manual is a bitch to start and hence it took a few attempts to get it to start.
and just in general its just a bitch to drive (the drivers seat is propper up of a brick and hence can't move and the there's no mirror on the left)

ps/ noor, do you happen to know when orientation finishes tomorrow?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

finally got round to guinea-pigging the ilustrious vegan yeast, and i have to say its alright, doesn't have that weird 'mock' taste to it, possibly cos its not meant to be a substitute for anything. i had some with some pasta sauce (on a pasta of course), it didn't drastically alter the flavour or the taste, it detracted a little from the sauce, and personally, i prefer pinenuts. but, all in all, it wasn't too bad, and i probably chuck it with some other things on a later date.

ps/ i know it sounds disgusting, yeast sprinkled on food, but its not like bakers yeast, or brewers yeast, its some kind of crazy yeast.

samuel, return the walking dead. keeping you around is costing me monies. you whore.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

getting even more chummy with LOTF staff, they all seem to at least know my face and one of the guys (who i forgot the name of, so i hope he forgives me if he ever happens to stublem onto this) is apparently going to try and get us on the door for defiance, ohio (he's supporting i believe). life i said, it's kind of embarrasing that they partially recognise me, cos it really not the kind of food one should be eating that often (but it's soo good and soo vegan) - it's like how the staff at the local macdonalds and the local fried chicken store know my father and my brothers, which is kinda embarassing.

ps/ the burns suited matt far more than the goatee. somebody should tell him that.

i don't care what the fashion section of the herald sun says, wedge heel sandals are hideous.

and i know, ain't nobody who will agree with me, but thongs are gross, especially with track pants (you can't do athletic things in thongs, so why the track pants). they're like i got the rubber sole of my shoe and bound it to my foot with elastic bands, that is what a thong represents. thongs with leggings also bad. leggings/footless tights bad. in fact, everyone should just dress like me, and then i wouldn't have to blog telling everyone what they're allowed to wear. no bucket hats.

samuel needed a larger bookshelf, this one is pretty much identical to the other one which elyse can give me.

for you other, not samule, who i'm sure will demand some kind of social commentary regarding sed bookshelf... well, not really social commentary, but please don't think poorly of me for having so few books, most of them are at maureen's house and i just don't really buy books new ever, so most of them are by way of the op-shop, the library (second-hand, maureens was a librarian), or occasionally from second hand books stores. i assure that i am in fact, literate.

ps/ i actually included myself in this photo for something other than personal self-indulgence, you see, my body acts as a visual-spacial reference point. so the size of sed bookshelf my be determined, you see.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

second time i've been sabotaged...
its like when you haven't finished eating, but they have, so they expect you to walk and juggle food...
or they've made plans with you, but it doesn't matter that the detail which you never had any say in inconvienice you, cos you had no say in them...

can't remember if i told you guys this, but the other day i got really excited cos i though somebody in my complex was playing bitches brew - i stuck my head out the window, crained my neck, and despite doing this i still couldn't figure out who way playing it, then i realised it was coming from my headphones which i had left on.

i also got a new bookcase recently, nothing flash, pdf-board, but it was free so i'm not complaining; its pretty much just a stand-in till i can find a nicer one anyway, maureen volunteers in an op-shop so i pretty much get insider info on when something nice comes in before it hits the floor.

most of the furniture in my flat was free (from the side of the road). to list: the lounge suit, the kitchen cupboards, the fridge, a rug, a set of beside tables, the bed frames, and the desks (two). one of the desks (mine) is amazing, solid wood (not sure what kind) and the size of a small dining table. i'm definately getting it polished and varnished when i take it with me.

it started off, just one of us sleeping here (as there was only one bed) with no fridge or furniture. it wasn't hard to collect the rest of it, as there are soo many flats in this area, and the way our local council works, flats get hard rubbish once a month. and i like to think my flat doesn't look like a smakie den.

i'm going for that trendy-decrepid decor look, ala degays, platform five and other such art-fag instituitions.

Monday, January 7, 2008

i just learned charlie's family owns a casino.

today a man came up to me, slurred 'you're beaut-ful' and gave will a thumbs up.

in other news, everyone at LOTF new who i was the other day, which is odd, i knew they knew who sam was, cos they've pretty much memorised his name and his order, but myself on the other hand, never order or give my name (sam orders for the both of us, as its faster, its easier for the staff, its sometimes cheaper, and i have a tendency of talking in an inside voice to sales staff everywhere). and they still know me. and i think i got a wave from each of the three staff members independantly.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

i'm writing from madelyns, predominantly cos i'm bored, and partially cos blogging is giving the people what they want.

i accendently bit off part of the inside of my mouth the other day, it now looks like a nasty ulcer, it could be hypochondria but i think its expanding in diameter.

the a-key on sams laptop only works half the time, which is quite annoying, cos its only a vowel and all.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Inked Ink: Tattoed Professionals

Thursday, January 3, 2008


It's the ultimate game of testing your ego. It becomes a competition of seeing who has the most friends, so you add everyone you've made eye contact with in the past 6 years, constantly posting bulletins telling people to comment on your NEW PICZ PLZ or die. Also a way for every garage band ever to make a Myspace Music profile without even have talent and/or experience as other bands have. Also a new place for every hott girl in the world to prove how slutty they are by making a Myspace and putting pictures of themselve's where they only have 1/5 of their clothes on with the quote under it "I used photoshop to cover my boobs, So What."

Comment on my myspace plz LOL!

A website a bunch of your friends begged you to join, so you joined it and became completely addicted. However, after about a month or so, you finally realized that even though you had thousands of friends added, you're still a loser. You tried to take pictures of your half-nude self with the camera at a shitty angle so you could get more comments, but it just wasn't working. Even after you edited out your acne and moles, you still weren't being satisfied with the attention you craved.

You eventually deleted your account because you decided you want to graduate high school with some dignity.

myspace angles:
When the camera is placed above your head at an angle to take a myspace picture.

This is usually done by the horribly mangled, ugly, and/or obese users who still want to be hunted by pedophiles, as to make them look more attractive (or at the very least more human) than they really are.

An angle picture usually also has the contrast way up to hide the acne and cigarette burns on your cheap skanky ass. If the user is an emo in addition to the kuh-razy angle and high contrast they probably have it set to black and white with only one object in the picture in color. It makes them look enigmatic, or some shit like that.

now, to be truely honest, i had a myspace once... then i went to MA meetings. never again.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

the man insists spending hundreds of dollars of dollars on doonas make from dead animals; the man then insists on buying really cheap sheets made out of what i can only resume to be cardboard - i guess i'm just too bourgeois, maybe i should star in one of those 'it's and outrage, i'm a stereotypical wealthy person, i'm calling my lawyer... something about furniture' etc.

anyway, crux of the story, we were at harris scrafe, they had two people on the register and three people arranging cups, there was a fucking que of at least fifty people. so, some old italian guy with bad breath started talking to kiong halfway through the conversation he asked, 'is this your daughter?' (he of course, answered yes) 'can she speak english?' - he was no shit, serious. he could actually believe that i couldn't speak english. maybe he thought i was half russian or something. he also asked me why i couldn't speak chinese or malaysian. how about, for a start, because i'm not in any way malay, my mother can't speak chinese, my father can't speak chinese. where the fuck was i meant to learn chinese.

i mean, sure, i went to chinese culture school when i was little, i wouldn't be very azn if i didn't. and i was the only slightly white person in a school of 600. i never got past the second grade. i was there, on and off, for at least five years, probably more. there's a reason 'halfies' (their words, not mine) don't go to chinese culture school. the system presumes you are chinese, you can speak chinese, both your parents speak chinese, you speak chinese and home, your chinese is better than your english, all they really need to do is teach you to read and write.
and when i was little i was actually pretty good at it, i could read, i could write, but i could never pass the end of year exam, because nobody every told me what any of the characters meant.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

how classy:

"keleton Costume includes Knit Dress with Glitter Screenprint, Headband, Choker Neckband, Removable “Anna Rexia” Badge and Ribbon Tie Belt."

years ago, when i was in either yr 7 or 8, there were these two girls who decided they were going to team up and go on the atkins diet. they only ever ate deli meats or cheeses. it was fucking disgusting.
one of the girls now works at a deli in yarraville, she was always cooking meat out on the street when i would walk through yarraville on a sunday morning to chess. its still fucking disgusting.
I remember one particular incident when she told the other girl off, berating her in the locker bay, becausea muffin the girl was eating had some many grams of carbs.
and thats why i left westbourne, cos it was full of douchebags.