Saturday, August 25, 2007

went to the workshop and mr.fancy pants decided he would splash out and purchase two gin and tonics, and endevor which i can no doubt pressume cost him a deal of monies. it was soo empty when we got there (7:30ish) and by the time we left it was packed, with people lining up outside and a whole bunch of people standing round listenting to whichever remix of the cure the funky new fresh original DJ decided to 'spin' next. i would hate nothing more than to have to stand at a bar.
anywho, best part of the night, looking out ontop the rooftops: some guy doing a chuck-up, at about 8:30 on a saturday night. got caught by security, or did he. they called the po-po, who then bought in a detective, then they all spent about an hour climbing around on the roof with torches looking for the guy. they caught one, the other one walked casually by, pausing, to tag on the window just round the corner of the police with their ladder.
and then we ate LOTF. oh, and we saw whats her face, ellen? buying the liquor from the elizabeth street liquor store; bourbon-cola + vodka + crap clothes and makeup = pure brighton class.


N K said...

your recent posts have been gold. i have indeed seen a certain myspace profile, and it does indeed make me extremely happy. as does ellen the emo.

also thug, thanks for putting up with my non-physicsy brain. one day i will embrace force into my loving arms... but that day is in the distant future.

N K said...

also also, i had a squiz at smitch's topfriends - it appears that you're now the friend of the friend of a punx.

also also also, ahahaha @ the boycott maccas profile his own profile links to. esp the "manager's story"

kham_ing said...

but if you accelerate (9.81ms-1) from a velocity of negative-bagillion at what time will you reach the embracement of force

kham_ing said...

bearing in mind that you must covert foce in newtons to kilogram weight in order to analyse the fattys who have not yet boycotted capitalist-burger-purveyors