Sunday, November 28, 2010

hey noor,

I'll be seeing you tomorrow!

classic quote from kham's fully fobbed up father:

in response to some pretty bad bruises,

"oh, I see you've gotten up to page 278 of the karma sutra; whatever you do don't try page 300, my back has never been the same since"

Friday, November 26, 2010

ye-ah boyzzz.  just got myself an invite to the op shop christmas party!!!

"i'm going to footscray. i hope I don't get stabbed or come back with addidas trackies."

interesting. particularly is you're kham.

I haven't posted anything witty or intellectual in awhile...

 this is actually because I've been getting dumberer.

one too many knocks to the head me thinks.

don't you hate it when you're trying to internet stalk someone and google isn't giving you anything back?

sacha gave me a pair of underpants. this would have been fine. except that they weren't my underpants.


not quite as bad as the time samuel gave me size 14 underpants. but still.

samuel took my phone when i wasn't looking and sent a bunch of people a bunch of text messages. he then ent on to delete said text messages so I have no idea who he sent what.

alls i know is the responses I get, so far the most hilarious one ensues:
" I choose to believe that my sexual prowess is such that I physically break the people I sleep with, leaving them inoperable for weeks"