Thursday, April 30, 2009

james is such a freakin playa.
3 days hiking in the middle of nowhere. with three others - all of them of the female persuasion. damn.

in other news, the 87 yo yoga instructor has been offered a fully paid tour of the US. her jokes have been becoming increasingly crude.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear Student,

In last week's mid semester test, it was noted that you did not mark
your student ID correctly on the MCQ answer sheets.While you may have
written your ID number in correctly, you may not have correctly filled
in the circles below it. These answer sheets are scanned into a computer
so it is important that you fill this section in correctly so we are
able to identify your answer sheets.

As this test was marked 'in house' we were able to identify your correct
ID number. However, when the assessment is held by the Examinations
Branch, if you do not correctly mark your student ID, you may not be
able to receive you marks for those test pages. Please keep this in mind
for the end of semester exam that is coming up.

Anna Haley
MBBS Assessment Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences