i never thought i'd have to live to see the day i would be living in a house (well, brick flat) with the newspaper stuck to the windows.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
2:10 AM
freudian quotes
i often sit and wonder to myself, "how many cannibals could my body feed?"
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
1:04 AM
freudian quotes
Saturday, March 22, 2008
whatever will all the wankers do now that the polaroid corporation is ceasing to produce polaroid film (get with the times i can only hope).
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
3:52 AM
freudian quotes
I'm not a racist but...
I'm not a feminist but...
i'm not a vegan but...
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
2:37 AM
freudian quotes
the kind of think only noor (and possibly lars) could appreciate: every single episode of lost retold in lolspeak.
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
2:31 AM
freudian quotes
now i got no problem with mormons,
its rapping (gangsta-style) mormons that broadcast the sound wave pollution over a loudspeaker and into my bedroom.
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
12:07 AM
freudian quotes
Friday, March 21, 2008
guess what fatties sport of choice is, guess, no really, guess.
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
8:18 PM
1 freudian quotes
edgewater = full of wankers.
just cos their houses have that classic 00' brick-rendering combination, they think they're immune from the scum 50m down the road.
it's bullshit.
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
8:09 PM
freudian quotes
what's the chance samuel's manly friends will decide to take him to a 'tittty' bar? and could i actually care?
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
8:09 PM
freudian quotes
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
4:01 PM
freudian quotes
i somehow, all by myself, managed to slam my head in the fridge door.
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
3:54 PM
freudian quotes
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Elite girls' school cadet ban 'sexist'
Deborah Gough
March 16, 2008
AN ELITE girls' school has been accused of sexual discrimination by its own students after banning its army cadet program.
Angry MacRobertson Girls' School students who participated in the cadet program say they were aware several teachers were openly hostile to their involvement, with one student alleging the 30 cadets were compared to "Hitler Youth".
MacRobertson Girls' High School principal Jane Garvey informed the cadets that the program would cease at the end of the year after a school council decision in November.
The girls allege that the ban is sexual discrimination as it prevents them from continuing in the cadet program with brother school, Melbourne High School.
The girls, dressed in military attire, would participate in drills at Melbourne High and attend skills camps.
Year 12 student and cadet under officer Bridget Pianta said some teachers objected to girls taking part in any military activity. "You would think that with a school's ethos that girls can do anything that boys can that they would be encouraging it, especially something that encourages leadership in girls," she said.
The highest ranked officer in the cadets, the regimental sergeant major, is a girl from the select-entry, single-sex government school.
"It seems to me that it was politically sensitive and by closing the program they hoped it would go away," Ms Pianta said.
Ms Pianta, who helped initiate the program in 2005, said it was widely known that two teachers were overheard calling the cadets "Hitler's Youth".
The Sunday Age has independently verified the comment from the student who heard the teachers speaking. After the student made a complaint, it was alleged that the male teacher "had not meant it". "Many of the teachers there are way left of Marxism and I am fine with that if they are honest. But don't try and come across all PC and say you accept others if you don't," the former student said.
In a letter, Ms Garvey told the girls that the program would not continue because it was disruptive and had been subject to administration problems. It was also difficult to find a teacher to supervise the program. A teacher has subsequently been found to run it for the rest of the year.
Melbourne High School principal Jeremy Ludowyke confirmed that his school's council had written to MacRob asking it to allow the year 10 to 12 girls already enrolled to complete their training. He said male and female students benefited enormously from the program, which has been running at Melbourne High for more than 100 years.
Repeated attempts by The Sunday Age to contact Ms Garvey for comment failed.
somebody will be in the garveymeister/aps office tomorrow.
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
12:56 AM
freudian quotes
Thursday, March 13, 2008
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
2:28 AM
freudian quotes
Sunday, March 9, 2008
here's a hot tip, if you happen to be undertaking a uni enhancement, you can get the age home delivered for $20 (the whole year). and i was actually suprised nobody from one of the other flats nicked mine this week which was a pleasant surprise.
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
3:48 AM
freudian quotes
Thursday, March 6, 2008
my lectures are full of men who wear those shorts which are meant to be an alternative to 'budgie-snugglers/smugglers' with thongs while walking round the metropolis with no itention of going any closer to water than the urinal in the mcdonald restroom.
there's also the occasional psudo-socialist, psudo-intellectual with dredlocks, but hell, what uni lecture doesn't have dreadlock and a cliche guevara t-shirt.
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
2:04 AM
freudian quotes
what the hell is it with asian people and linkin park?
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
2:02 AM
freudian quotes
Saturday, March 1, 2008
samuel 'packing'
(something other than socks down his pants)*
"put this on your blog so everyone will know how tough and manly i am"
so that what i did.
i can only follow by making a snide comment: you know what they say about men with big guns...
*get it: joke at the expense of his 'manhood'
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
11:40 PM
freudian quotes
uni tutor:
Aaron is currently doing his PhD thesis in History and Philosophy of Science. His work looks at Evolutionary Epistemology, a field that revolves around the issue of how our understanding of the evolution of cognition influences our philosophical theories of knowledge. He likes the weather in Melbourne.
apparently he likes the weather in melbourne.
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
9:14 PM
freudian quotes
so i was fixing me mums comuter, what with it being shitty windows and all the thing had just died and what with here not knowing how to cut'n'paste it was up to me to fix the hunk-o-junk. so anywho, perusing old floppy discs, guess what i found... baby photos. not of me, but of andrew, which i just thought i'd share, cos he looks a fuck load like me, so its the closest thing you're going to get to wee little kham photos.
oh, and as well as being a bit of a fatty years ago, thousands of dollars ago i was also lucky engough to have the tan-family teeth:
(that's william by the way, before he got fat)
at some stage in time possibly said by
allegedly at
8:59 PM
1 freudian quotes