apparently madelyn found samuels shopping list for camping...
i believe its now stuck to the fridge.
i believe it goes something like: apples, bananas, 'protection'...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 4:25 AM 0 freudian quotes
spore, you down with dumpling and pulling the whole crew together some time next week?
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 4:21 AM 2 freudian quotes
not including: Noor
melvin braggs, the adventures of english on SBS.
please have restrain and refrain from creaming yourself.
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 2:53 AM 0 freudian quotes
some of the more observant of you may have noticed the crazee-go-nuts widget doo-daddy tot he right-ish of the screen. just chillax and don't do anything crazy (like reboot your computer) while i explain.
remember that crazy cat yongfook? well he's come up with some kind of interweb function perfectly honed to flush out the numerous food pics from my flickr (as per certain spore requests).
perhaps this will dispell the 'khams, she so crazee eurasian, she even put cumin is tomato sauce'. (its true, cumin, its not like thats spanish or anything, no, we must never forget that the italians have a monopoly on tomato sauces - but then again what else can they grow, other than olives?)
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 12:32 AM 0 freudian quotes
not including: Noor
Saturday, September 29, 2007
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 8:22 PM 0 freudian quotes
Thursday, September 27, 2007
it would appear KatheirneTan male-model extraodinair, whom who has the cuisine which reigns supreme has take a bit of a hiatus from blogging. or so it would appear. hiatus or coup? i ask you this noor. forced to take drastic measures, kham is straightout refusing to publish any furthur blog post until formal photographs are delivered to her. and don't think you can live without it, cos 'no spesh and no blog make noor something something'
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 4:09 AM 1 freudian quotes
not including: Noor
Sunday, September 23, 2007
"boneless chicken breast pounded and rolled around cold unsalted butter, then breaded and fried"
so its lard wrapped thinly in chicken and deep fried. excuse me while i vomit into my hummous.
ps. noor, you know what i want
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 2:19 AM 0 freudian quotes
not including: Noor
Saturday, September 22, 2007
this whole time i though screeching "tits out for the boys" with that giggling-lolita tone was a macrob thing to be done around MHS boyz.
apparently i was everso naive. i heard it a least twice at steve and nicks (or sticks) 18th. the whole world, topsy-turby.
it wasn't that it was a bad party, in actual fact it would have been quite festive. the only downfall was it was really cold and i was the only one not from FC. left at about nine. they live in the street next to my mother house, but no, i walked back to the flat. samuel escorted me. and we ate hummous and flatbread.
and then i went to sleep and he left to return to the party. he was gone for six minutes. apparently there was a group of teenagers throwing a party and apparently they were intimidating and apparently samuel ran straight back to the flat and locked the door firmly behind him. and then we watched chomsky.
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 9:59 PM 0 freudian quotes
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
i live in a shitty flat with shitty electricity.
went to the official nerd convention (with smamuel), otherwise known as software freedom day, otherwise known as lets stand round for a couple of hours and discuss IDE, or was that KDE, one of the two anywho. got a new distro finally, though, but i wussed out on asking the head nerd about the ubuntu partitioning capabilities and fedora/redhat compatability. word.
there was this great moment when i was checking out a spaceinvaders shirt, and he was checking out the 'ivan ooze: master of disaster' shirt, and there was a look of judgement but then acceptace. yet to see a real life tax tatoo however.
and the punchline: 'if i put this on my computer can i still use the internet'. lolz.
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 1:01 AM 1 freudian quotes
not including: Samuel
Friday, September 14, 2007
i've been asked many times whether i actually know the meaning of douche bag. to these people i say yes. unlike my use of the word mole in a jovial manner, where in which i believed i was calling somebody a clawed, furry digging animal.
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 3:51 AM 0 freudian quotes
i think the people upstairs have broken up (thank god, they shag too fucking loudly). a girl in tracksuit with something classy written across her ass ran throught he 'courtyard' wailing with half her mascara dribbling into he mouth. a man in a tracksuit then ran down the stairs yelling and her to come back. needless to say i was considering taking a page out of noor's mother's book and fetching a loaf of bread.
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 3:34 AM 0 freudian quotes
not including: Noor
Sunday, September 2, 2007
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 3:50 AM 2 freudian quotes
if anybody feels like proofing my eng lang essay:
Conservative Language prescriptivism, that is the mistaken belief in a ‘pure’ (and for the purpose of this essay the standard) English, threatened by slang our outside influence, is based on a misunderstanding of the English language. There are three quintessential argument to every English prescriptivist repertoire, the first that there is a correct form of English, the second that a word must be codified to be legitimate, the third that standard English should be enforced at the expense of other dialects, and the fourth, that change to the language will destroy the tradition and history ingrained within the standard. and hence, as this sentence begins with a conjunction, it seems only appropriate to address the prescriptivist beliefs and attitudes.
One of the prescriptivist beliefs holds that Standard English should be preserved as it is the correct, logical and elegant form of the language. The standard, and the prescriptive views surrounding it, are often based on the writings of the 18th century grammarians who(m) instructed people upon the ‘correct’ use of the English language. Perhaps the most influential of these writing was Robert Lowth’s ‘A Short Introduction to the Grammar of English’ (published 1762), with rules more than guidelines such as, ‘do not end a sentence with a preposition’, ‘do not use double negatives’, ‘always use whom, in its place, never replace it with who’. He wrote that ‘I had wrote’ and ‘it was wrote’ should be replaces with ‘I had written’ and ‘it was written’. So how very embarrassing it is that Lowth would contradict himself in private correspondence to his wife: ‘my last wrote in a very great hurry’ and later in the same letter ‘whose faces and names i had forgot’(footnote). Lowths letters to his wife demonstrate that language may not simply be forced into a standard, and any attempt to do so will be met with numerous contradictions.
A second belief of modern day prescriptivist (as well as Herald Sun readers and scrabble players alike), it that a word is not reals and that the (meaning) of this word is not real has it not been verified and written down in a dictionary. With the dictionary definition of to go ballistic – when missiles go ballistic they do not explode(footnote) – there can be little question that the dictionary is a little behind the times when it comes to certain words or phrases. As an editor of the Oxford English Dictionary has put it ‘no form of linguistic engineering and no amount of linguistic legislation will prevent the cycles of change that lie ahead’(footnote). The process by which a word or language feature enters into a dictionary or grammar book, relies upon the usage of such a word or feature by the media and by society, and hence there will always be a delay in the ‘realness’ of a word and the ‘certified-realness’ of a word. (put some kind of conjunction in here)
Philosopher John Locke wrote in his Essay on Human Understanding that words only mean what they are understood to mean; and consequently, usage must be the sole arbiter(footnote). This is evident in the recent changes to the English language as a result of the feminist (eg. spokesperson) and civil rights movements (eg. afro-american) as well as the attempts to be politically correct in language usage.
The language cannot be entirely based on what is codified and they fast become outdated and new features and constantly being added to English and indeed the standard English.
(possibly even the argument than the 18th century grammarians could not agree on a standard)
The third prescriptivist attitude is that Standard English is the socially acceptable form and hence, students (and foreign learners) must be disciplined and corrected for their own good when using and ‘incorrect’ form or dialect of English. While it is true that the standard dialect hold a position and function in society as a kind of lingua franca – the medium of communication between peoples of different dialects. (footnote: (by farlex) The prescriptivist view holds the clearly false presumption that individuals may only be competent in one language or dialect, that bidialectals do not exist, and if they are not corrected when using non-standard English they well not be able to utilize standard English, and they society would descend into language anarchy. In Germany, German speakers use their local dialect when speaking to others within their region and standard German in when talking to everyone else of in a formal setting. These local dialects are not considered as being wrong or ignorant, merely as having a different function from the standard form (footnote). The prescriptivist attitude towards the variant dialects of the English language reflects deeper social judgments, usually about class and intelligence, which can be seen throughout history, judgments those educated and those in a position of power feel able to make about others and their use of language. The 18th century grammarians upheld Latin and Greek as the logical scientific dialects, while the romance and Germanic languages were seen as vulgar and barbaric(footnote).; a notion which can be identified as purely prejudice. While the standard dialect of English is an important skill, an individual is able to utilize many dialects and to judge one dialect as inferior is simply not egalitarian.
The final prescriptivist belief is that standard English reflects the tradition and history of the language, a value which should be preserved. It is true that our current language reflect the history of the language. The West Germanic invasion and viking occupation saw the Norse (grammar) restructure (similar to our current system with emphasis on word order) and Old English (460-1066). The middle ages and the French occupation saw an additional 10,000 words in Middle English (1066-1450). attempt at standardization and well as the printing press, Shakespeare and the addition of 10-12,000 words as a result of navel trade formed Early Modern English (1450-1700). And English as we know it began in the 1700s(Footnote). However, this is not justification for an overly-complex and outdated standard English. Throughout history the English language has lost and changed words and this continues to happen to this day, yet prescriptivist are trying to alter the natural course of the English language. Impede, a word introduced during the time of Early Modern English survived, its (opposite) expede did not (footnote). We will always have records and writing of the tradition and history of English, there is not need to inhibit the current users of English for utilizing it to the best of their ability.
Prescriptivist argue many things, most of them incorrect, and many of them stemming from a misunderstanding of the English language. By making arguments pertaining to the preservation of the standard English, language prescriptivist demonstrate little understanding of the demonstrated fact that the English language is constantly changing. One many only study English, they may not enforce it.
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 3:00 AM 0 freudian quotes
its pretty much decided, jumpsuit is the way to go formal 2007.
then back to the room where i can be a naughty "corndog vendor"
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 12:36 AM 0 freudian quotes
is it just me, or is pine nuts in baklava weird?
point is don't buy food in the south yarra region, you are better off soliciting a fancy prostitute to grow and cook you something. did get a really decent coffe with sam through. before he scuttled off to get a fatehrs day gift and i reluctatly trotted to MH for a seven hour rehersal. and by rehersal, i mean there were no lights so i just kinda sat there and watched otehrs reherse.
at some stage in time possibly said by kham_ing allegedly at 12:01 AM 0 freudian quotes
not including: Samuel